SI Text to speech Development Utility

This Utility will read an 'SI Text to Speech' prepared file and Speak its contents using different character voices.
Voice characteristics for the active text input file, can be altered by loading a 'Reader_Settings.txt' file.
Characteristisc for different voices can be adkusted and sampled by changing the values in the Voice settings section below. Activating the 'Sample above voice' button will provide audible feedback for the applied voice setting's values.

Production Sequence:

  1. Create text content and insert reader voices where required.
  2. Save file as text format only.
  3. Open file for processing.
  4. Program will convert input file into an Array for speech processing.
  5. Activate 'Start Reading' button to start speech feedback of text content.
  6. Use 'Pause', 'Resume' and 'Reset' buttons as required
  7. Optional: Loaded a Reader Settings file, then import settings for all readers.
    See last two buttons on this display,

Text Story format must be as follows:

(Microsoft Available name)
Text to be spoken.
(Microsoft Available name)
Text to be spoken.

Hi I'm George.
Hi I'm Hazel.
Hi I'm Susan.
(GB Female)
So GB Female set to work, and very soon finished off the cake.
So Mark set to work, and very soon finished off the cake.
So Hazel set to work, and bla bla...

The above format must be strictly adhered to, otherwise the Utility will not work. There can be multiple text lines between (Actor names). In the first instance you can compile a story using any name, then prior to using the Utility change (global search/replace) the initial name with a MS available voice name.

E.g Initial story name (Fred) must be replaced with an available male MS voice, such as George, Mark, David...)

Voice Tester
Reader Name:
Speaking Rate:

To load a 'Reader_Settings.txt' file, activate the button below and then choose your 'Reader Settings' file. Then import file using the "Import Settings File" button below; this should be done prior to choosing a story file, if you want these settings to be appled to the current story.