Simply Informed
Explanation without complication
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Welcome to the Simply Informed website.
This site is meant to be a central source of information for all working in the Visual Impairment arena, who need to understand some of the basics in setting up today’s Smart Phones, Tablets and Computers. The presented content will hopefully be of use to fully sighted as well as partially sighted people.
Since its inception this site's content has grown to cover others topics such as music, games, HTML coding and also some maths. All site topics are accessed via the row of buttons at the of the screen, occassionlly you will be diverted to a page where no buttons appear; in this case you can activate the windows back arrow to return the the previous page.
If you visit this site and think it looks rather old, outdated and a bit simple in its format; please note this website has been design to be easy to navigate by vision impaired users. Therefore complex imagery is not used and where possible information is presented in an accessible, easily readable format across any device; tablet, smart phone or computer. At the base of any page originated by this site you will find some accessibility buttons that may be of use when reading each page.
I include a page containing links to Useful Sites that you might like to check out; providing links to Health, Wetlfare, Social, Charity Sites and useful Apps for Visually Impaired People. .
Please note that as of Oct 2021 any new links suggested for this site must ideally be related to vision impairment, as well as being sourced from 'not for profit' or 'charitable organisations'.
If you have any ideas please feel free to contact me at, of course any contributors will be given full credit for anything they contribute that is then added to this site. For those of you reading this page with a screen reader, the email address to contact me on is, overseer at simply informed dot u k, there are no spaces between the simply informed bit, and yes it is only dot u k, not anything else.
This is a not for profit site which is populated by myself on a purely voluntary basis.
For Site Updates & new Apps, please go to Site Updates
I would like to acknowledge the work of CALL Scotland who are the current distributors for the WordTalk text-to-speech plug-in for MSWord, which on some occasions I use for generation of the audible content available on this site. The author of WordTalk is Mr Rod Macaulay. For more information please visit Wordtalk
Accessibility Page Control Section
Keyboard control (Chrome/Safari, note add shift for Firefox): Screen Speak - Press ALT + s, Pause Audio - Press Alt + p.
To reset/reload page activate the Reload Page button below.
Search Section
If you are using a laptop, then to search for text on any currently displayed page press Control and F, then enter the required search text in the displayed search box. Any text found in the current page will be highlighted, you can use the up and down symbols displayed within the search box to search forward or backwards for occurrences of your search text.
If you are accessing this site via a smart phone or tablet, you will need to navigate to the 'More options' button, usually towards the top right hand side of your screen, to access your device Search options for the currently displayed page. Note that sometimes instead of the word 'Search' your device might display 'Find in page' as the option to select for searching the current page.
To search for text primarily in other pages of the Simplyinformed Website, enter text in the search box below. To get back from the search results Press ALT and Left Arrow. Please note there may be a few initial links that take you to other sites that match your site search string, these can of course be disregarded if you only want to be taken to content on this site. Please note that the Search box is displayed as a table with one row and three columns, in other there are three cells in the search table layout. Cell one is where you enter your search string and press enter, or move to cell two to activate the Search Button. Move to cell three to find the clear search content button to clear out the text in cell on, ready to enter a new search string. Use the Up and Down arrows to move through search table cells when using NVDA. Once the Narrator has been taken to the search box press the enter key so that the screen reader switches into text input mode.

Copyright © Simply Informed 2010