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Nuneaton Kinship

Drawing of two people, standing side by side, giving each other a sideways hug.

A Place for Kinship Carers to meet

Hello, this is the Nuneaton Kinship webpage, Kinship members meet for a monthly drop in session, currently at ASDA's community cafe in Nuneaton, very close Nuneaton Bus Station and Train Station. Sessions take place Fourth Wednesday every month, 12:00 - 13:00 PM, Term Time Only. Min age limit 18+. The sessions are open to all Kinship carers, for more information just drop a line to: nuneatonkin@gmail.com

The sessions are meant to give Kinship Carers a chance to meet others in a gentle, non threatening environment to: share, discuss and listen to each other. Overall guidance and support is provided via the Kinship Charity. Nuneaton Kinship

ASDA's postcode in Nuneaton is, CV11 4HG. ASDA Location

If you have any questions email: nuneatonkin@gmail.com

Useful Links

Kinship Advice Service

We can advise anyone who is caring for a relative or friend’s child full time, and anyone thinking about becoming a kinship carer.
Our friendly Advice Team are here for all kinship carers in England and Wales. They’re experts in:

There are two ways to contact the team: All advice is free for kinship carers. The team will also signpost you to other organisations depending on what you need.
For example, if your kinship child or children have experienced bereavement, we’d put you in touch with Winston’s Wish.

The first ever National Kinship Care Strategy for England has been published, setting out the Government’s plans for kinship care, including new commitments and £20 million investment over 2024-5.

Read more in this link: National Kinship Care Strategy

Kinship Compass
Kinship Compass

What is kinship care?
What is Kinship Care 1
What is Kinship Care 2

Special Guardianship Order Financial Support
SGO Financial Support

Free workshops & Podcasts

Please note, the Kinship Advice Team offer free weekly workshops which you can book for your group or attend as an individual.

You can view and register for these free workshops here: Kinship Training and Events more training and events will be available in the near future

Kinship Together  is a new podcast that features real-life stories, experiences and advice from kinship carers. You can listen to episodes using the link below, or find and subscribe to the podcast on Apple Podcasts or Spotify For Kinship Together Podcasts use to this link Kinship Podcasts Page

Kinship and the Peer Support Team

You can contact the Kinship Peer Support Team at peersupport@kinship.org.uk Website: Connect with other kinship carers
Main Kinship website: Kinship Home Page
Main office:Telephone: 03300 167 235
Email info@kinship.org.uk

Family Rights Group

Website: Family Rights Group We are a charity that advises parents, grandparents, relatives and friends about their rights and options when social workers or courts make decisions about their children’s welfare.

We work with parents whose children are in need, at risk or are in the care system and with wider family members and friends who are raising children (known as kinship carers).

Special Guardianship Support Guide

How special guardians can work with their child’s school Information leaflet

Grandparents raising Grandchildren

Facebook group for Grandparents raising Grandchildren

Action for Happiness

Website: actionforhappiness.org Action for Happiness is a movement for positive social change. Its website lists ’10 keys to happier living’ – practical ways to increase your wellbeing.

Be Mindful

Website: bemindfulonline.com
Mental Health Foundation website raising awareness of mindfulness, including details of local and online mindfulness courses.

British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy (BACP)

Tel: 01455 883 300 Website: bacp.co.uk
For information about counselling and therapy and to find practitioners in your area.

Mental Health Foundation

Website: mentalhealth.org.uk/
As well as lots of useful information about mental health, the website also has free podcasts on wellbeing and managing stress. For information about counselling and therapy and to find practitioners in your area.


Infoline: 0300 123 3393 open 9am-6pm Monday to Friday
Email: info@mind.org.uk
Website: mind.org.uk
Very informative website including a ‘Mental Health A-Z ‘, advice on reducing anxiety and managing depression, tips on dealing with stress and information on relaxation techniques.


Helpline: 01708 765200
Email: info@supportline.org.uk
Website: supportline.org.uk
Offers confidential emotional support to children, young adults and adults on any issue. SupportLine works with callers to develop healthy, positive coping strategies, an inner feeling of strength and increased self-esteem.

Free UK Help Lines

Website: findahelpline.com
Free helplines in the United Kingdom for suicide, domestic violence, anxiety, depression and more...

National Family Mediation Service (NFM)

Telephone: 0300 4000 636
Website: www.nfm.org.uk
Family mediation can be the most effective method of resolving family disputes, especially where children are involved.
Agreements that have been freely negotiated can help restore communication, understanding and trust. In most cases mediation must be attempted before applying for a Child Arrangements Order.
You can get more information and find local services by going to the NFM website or calling the number above.

Citizens Advice

Website: www.citizensadvice.org.uk
Citizens Advice provides online information and advice and has Bureaux all over the country delivering free, independent, confidential and impartial face-to-face and telephone advice.
Coram Children’s Legal Centre – Child Law Advice Service
Advice line: 0300 330 5480 Monday to Friday 8am-6pm
Website: www.childlawadvice.org.uk
The website has detailed information and advice on family and children law matters in England, including contact issues. It also has a section on court processes in private family law cases, and practical advice on representing yourself in court. The helpline is for advice on more complex matters and clarifying questions.

Family Lives

Helpline: 0808 800 2222
Monday to Friday 9am-9pm, Weekends 10am-3pm Website: www.familylives.org.uk
Family Lives offers advice and support on all aspects of family life.


Telephone: 0300 100 1234
Website: relate.org.uk
Relate offers a range of services to help with couple and family relationships. You can talk to a Relate counsellor for free online.
You can also book a telephone counselling session (there is a charge for this service) or find details of your nearest Relate service.


Helpline: Telephone: 116 123 open 24 hours a day.
Website: www.samaritans.org
Email: jo@samaritans.org
Samaritans provides confidential emotional support 24/7 to those experiencing feelings of distress or despair. You can talk to them any time you like, in your own way – and off the record – about whatever’s getting to you. You don’t have to be suicidal.

Special Guardianship Order

This link explains the situations where special guardianship might be appropriate to secure the long term arrangements for a child living with a person other than their parent. Special Guardianship


All about CAMHS. Guide to CAMHS

Coventry & Warwickshire R.I.S.E

Family of NHS-led services providing emotional wellbeing and mental health services for children and young people in Coventry and Warwickshire. Coventry R.I.S.E


R.I.S.E services. R.I.S.E

Find your local Council

Find the website for your local council. Find your local council

Useful Local Links

Nuneaton & Bedworth Borough Council

CAVA are the local Voluntary and Community Sector (VCS) Infrastructure Organisation providing vital support to volunteers, groups, organisations, enterprises and charities who are working to strengthen communities.
CAVA is committed to providing all of their services locally and ensuring they are accessible. CAVA Organisation

Warwickshire County Council
Children and families

WCC Children and family centres
Family support helpline and face to face consultations

Oakwood Schools in Nuneaton
Oakwood Primary and Secondary Schools

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